
Business sector


Date of incorporation 03/08/1960
Certificate of registration number 3000104879
Date of issue 29/12/2022
Capital 99,344,180,000
Tax Code 3000104879
Sectors & Industries Health Care > Pharmaceuticals

Listing information

Date of listing 29/12/2022
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 20,000
Listing Volume 9,934,418
Total Listing Value 99,344,180,000

Management team

Lê Hồng Phúc Chairman of the Board of Directors
Lê Quốc Khánh Members of the Board
Võ Đức Nhân Members of the Board
Đinh Văn Dũng Members of the Board
Nguyễn Hữu Sáng Members of the Board
Phan Anh Huy Board of internal controllers
Bùi Thị Hoa Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phan Đình Tiến Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Lê Quốc Khánh Chief of Executive Officer
Võ Đức Nhân Deputy CEO
Phạm Vũ Kỳ Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Đăng Phát Deputy CEO
Phan Thị Tình Chief Accountant
Lê Quốc Khánh Representative Spokesman