
Business sector


Date of incorporation 31/12/1992
Certificate of registration number 4600100109
Date of issue 14/02/2023
Capital 160,000,000,000
Tax Code 4600100109
Sectors & Industries Utilities > Water

Listing information

Date of listing 14/02/2023
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 16,000
Listing Volume 16,000,000
Total Listing Value 160,000,000,000

Management team

Nguyễn Quang Mãi Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nguyễn Xuân Học Members of the Board
Lê Quang Hải Members of the Board
Nguyễn Bá Quyết Members of the Board
Nguyễn Văn Tiến Members of the Board
Vũ Khánh Lâm Board of internal controllers
Hoàng Thị Huệ Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Thị Mai Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Xuân Học Chief of Executive Officer
Nguyễn Văn Tiến Deputy CEO
Lê Huy Phú Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Bá Quyết Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Minh Phương Chief Accountant
Đỗ Thị Thanh Hường Representative Spokesman