
Business sector


Date of incorporation 01/01/0001
Certificate of registration number 0305299779
Date of issue 16/10/2023
Capital 4,419,000,000,000
Tax Code 0305299779
Sectors & Industries Financial Services > Securities Companies

Listing information

Date of listing 16/10/2023
Stock exchange HOSTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 48,000
Listing Volume 437,500,000
Total Listing Value 4,375,000,000,000

Management team

Nguyễn Thanh Phượng Chairman of the Board of Directors
Đinh Quang Hoàn Members of the Board
Lê Ngọc Khánh Members of the Board
Nguyễn Việt Hòa Members of the Board
Nguyễn Lân Trung Anh Members of the Board
Tô Hải Members of the Board
Mai Thị Thanh Trang Board of internal controllers
Trương Thị Huyền Trang Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Bùi Thị Minh Nguyệt Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Tô Hải Chief of Executive Officer
Nguyễn Quang Bảo Deputy CEO
Đinh Quang Hoàn Deputy CEO
Ngô Vinh Tuấn CEO
Châu Thiên Trúc Quỳnh CEO
Lý Điền Anh CEO
Michel Tosto CEO
Phạm Thị Thanh CEO
Đoàn Minh Thiện Chief Accountant
Đinh Quang Hoàn Representative Spokesman