レポート名 BSC_Macro & Market November 2022_Pressure on exchange rate cooled down - VN-Index recovered strongly_221206
レポート類 Phân tích vĩ mô
ソース BSC
ディテール 日付 : 06/12/2022
総ページ数 : 38
言語 : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 3565 Kb
ダウンロード: 154
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01 Production and business activities shrank in all 3 major economies
02 Employment situation weakened
03 Consumer demand is expected to increase in the last months of the year
04 Slow disbursement of state budget
05 Import and export slowed down
06 Inflation accelerated
07 Interbank interest rate eased
08 Pressure on exchange rate cooled down
09 Forecast for December 2022
10 P/E VN-Index continues at the low level of 2020 and ranked 4th in Asia
11 04/11 tier 1 sectors decreased
12 Market capitalization of 3 stock exchanges reached 5.39 million billion
13 Foreign investors net selling 6/10 months in 2022
14 Foreign institution positive trading in November
15 Corporate bond November 2022 continued to be bleak
16 Factors affecting market in December 2022
17 Investment strategies in December 2022