レポート名 BSC Vietnam Sector Outlook 4Q2022_EN
レポート類 Phân tích ngành
ソース BSC
ディテール 日付 : 14/02/2023
総ページ数 : 83
言語 : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 4309 Kb
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 Dear Investors,

The stock market in the third quarter of 2022 and the first half of the fourth quarter of 2022 continued to record negative movements with a sharp decline due to many "black swan" factors both at home and abroad. After the strong correction of the VN-Index in Q3/2022, the Vietnamese stock market partly reflected the general risks of the world and domestic stock markets.

As usual, BSC will continue to provide major updates on the macro and stock markets in Q4/2022.

1. Vietnam's economic growth forecast remains positive, but inflation is showing signs of accelerating.

2. The Government continues to accelerate the disbursement of public investment.

3. The total number of accounts by the end of Q3/2022 continued to record an increase, however, the increasing momentum recorded a strong downward trend compared to the previous period, accompanied by a decrease in market liquidity. reduce.

4. Foreign capital inflows in Q3/2022 reversed from the "net buying" status in Q2/2022.

5. The divestment and equitization activities have not had any positive developments.

6. Positive profit growth in Q3/2022 is a supportive factor for the market, however, the growth rate tends to slow down.

According to BSC, in 2022, the profit of the industry and VN-Index will still record strong growth, thereby partially supporting the market's valuation to continue to remain at an attractive level. However, the groups of industries that adjusted sharply increased were mainly those related to cyclical factors. In the context of commodity prices tending to correct, strong profit growth in 2022 will create a high base for 2023, thereby putting pressure on maintaining profit growth in 2023.

Following Vietnam Sector Outlook 2022 Report Quarter 3/2022, BSC would like to send to investors Vietnam Sector Outlook Quarter 4/2022. In the Quarterly Sectors Outlook Report, BSC gave comments for the economic sectors with 11 groups of Positive, 7 Neutral and 4 Negative comments.

BSC wishes all investors a wise, lucky and successful investment year!