Title BSC_Macro & Market July.2023_Business activities eased the weakening momentum_Vn-index increased positively_230811
Report Type Phân tích vĩ mô
Source BSC
Detail Date : 11/08/2023
Total pages : 35
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 2390 Kb
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Short Content


1. Manufacturing structure weakened in China and EU, while the US had a more positive outlook
2. International monetary policy
3. Business situation of enterprises was weak but there were some signs of improvement
4. Manufacturing activity continued to decrease
5. FDI inflows returned
6. Import-Export growth momentum continued to decline
7. Stable inflation momentum
8. Interbank interest rate maintained negative swap
9. The exchange rate was tending to heat up
10. Monthly Macro Heatmap and Forecast of Macro Indicators
11. Forecast for August 2023
12. P/E VN-Index ranks 9th in Asia
13. There are 11/11 groups of tier-1 industries that increase in points
14. Liquidity exploded
15. Foreign investors net sold in Jul 2023
16. Domestic individual investors traded actively in July 2023
17. There are 25 corporate bonds issued in July 2023
18. Factors affecting July 2023
19. Investment strategy in August 2023