Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Total business operating revenue 643,027 429,384 657,816 746,102 661,183
2. Deductions of revenue 0 0 0 0 0
3. Net revenues (1)-(2) 643,027 429,384 657,816 746,102 661,183
4. Cost of goods sold 318,357 287,869 308,017 322,011 312,962
5. Gross profit (3)-(4) 324,670 141,515 349,799 424,091 348,221
6. Revenue of financial operations 3,298 3,227 197 4,450 4,897
7. Financial expense 77,200 57,313 41,932 26,471 19,114
-In which: Loan interest expenses 77,200 57,311 41,932 26,471 19,114
8. Profit or loss from joint ventures, associated companies 0 0 0 0 0
9. Cost of sales 0 0 0 0 0
10. Enterprise administration expenses 23,101 20,943 29,369 34,249 28,215
11. Net profit from business operations (5)+(6)-(7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 227,667 66,486 278,695 367,820 305,789
12. Other income 211 397 312 -210 192
13. Other expenses 1 3 50 3,660 5
14. Other profit (12)-(13) 210 394 262 -3,870 187
15. Total accounting profit before tax (11)+(14) 227,877 66,880 278,957 363,950 305,976
16. Costs of current corporate income tax 11,449 3,406 14,032 45,732 30,695
17. Costs of deferred corporate income tax 0 0 0 0 0
18. Costs of corporate income tax (16)+(17) 11,449 3,406 14,032 45,732 30,695
19. Profit after corporate income tax (15)-(18) 216,428 63,474 264,925 318,218 275,281
20. Interest after tax of shareholders who not control 0 0 0 0 0
21. Profit after tax of parent company shareholders (19)-(20) 216,428 63,474 264,925 318,218 275,281
Number of outstanding shares
Earnings per 1 share (basic EPS)
Earnings per 1 share (diluted EPS)