
Business sector


Date of incorporation 01/01/0001
Certificate of registration number 4201675916
Date of issue 07/07/2020
Capital 330,000,000,000
Tax Code 4201675916
Sectors & Industries Food & Beverage > Soft Drinks

Listing information

Date of listing 07/07/2020
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 27,800
Listing Volume 16,126,740
Total Listing Value 161,267,400,000

Management team

Lê Đức Tiến Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bùi Thị Hạnh Vice-chairman of the Board
Nguyễn Thị Hải Hà Members of the Board
Nguyễn Xuân Anh Members of the Board
Lê Huỳnh Phụng Members of the Board
Hoàng Thị Ân Vũ Board of internal controllers
Huỳnh Thị Trần Lê Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Minh Quân Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Trương Văn Trung Deputy CEO
Lê Huỳnh Phụng Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Xuân Anh Deputy CEO
Ngô Thị Hương Liên Chief Accountant