BIDV Securities Company announce: 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

- 23/03/2023 4:46:22 PM

The Board of Directors of BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (BSC) would like to announce:
1. Convening 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the General Meeting):
a) Company name: BIDV securities joint stock company
b) Address: 8th Floor, 9th Floor, Thaiholdings Building, 210 Tran Quang Khai, Trang Tien Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City
c) Business code: 0101003060
d) Date: 09h00 Friday, 14/04/2023.
e) Location: BIDV Training Institute, 773 Hong Ha, Chuong Duong Do Ward, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
2. Conditions of participation in the General Meeting
a) All shareholders of BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company at the list on 15/03/2023 of the Vietnam Securities Depository.
b) In case shareholders cannot attend the General Meeting, shareholders can authorize other persons to attend the General Meeting. The authorization must be made in writing (according to BSC’s form posted on BSC's website), certified by signature (for individual shareholders) and signed by the legal representative and stamped with the legal entity's seal (for organization’s shareholders).
3. Contents of the General Meeting
a) Approving the report of the Board of Directors on: Operation of the Company in 2022, activities of the Board of Directors in 2022, activities of sub-committees under the Board of Directors, activities of each member of the Board of Directors, results of supervision Board of Supervisors, operation plan of the Board of Directors in 2023.
b) Approving the report of independent members of the Board of Directors on: Activities of independent members of the Board of Directors and assessment of independent members of the Board of Directors on the activities of the Board of Directors.
c) Approving the report of Board of Supervisors on: The company's business results, the performance results of the Board of Directors and General Director; Self-assessment report on the performance of the Board of Supervisors and each controller.
d) Approving the report of the Board of Manager on the Company's business results in 2022 and the proposed business plan in 2023.
e) Approving the proposal of the Company's business plan for 2023 of the Board of Directors.
f) Approving the audited financial statements of 2022, the profit distribution plan in 2022 and the profit distribution plan in 2023.
g) Approving the report on remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2022 and the proposal for remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2023.
h) Approving the report on dismissal and additional member of the Board of Supervisors.
i) Approving to proceed with the plan regarding the handling of capital reserve for supplementing charter capital, capital reserve for financial and operational risks and the Stock Issuance Plan to increase the Company’s charter capital.
j) Approving the report on the selection of an audit unit for the period of 2023-2025.
k) Approving the Proposal for the change of the company name and corresponding amendment of the company’s charter.
l) Approving other contents according to the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders
Related documents of the General Meeting of Shareholders will be available on our website at Investor Relations category:
4. Registration
In order for the organization of the General Meeting to be well-organized, shareholder please confirms your attendance (or authorize) to:
- Human Resources and Administration Department - BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company
- Address: 9th Floor, ThaiHoldings Building, 210 Tran Quang Khai Street, Trang Tien Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi.
- Telephone: 024.3935.2722                       Fax: 024.3381.6699
- Email:
- The registration form to attend the General Meeting (according to the BSC’s form), the Power of Attorney (according to BSC’s form) and relevant documents (if any) required to submit the above BSC’s address before 12h00 on 11/04/2023.
This notice replaces the General Meeting Invitation.
 Kindly see detailed information as below: 


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