Reference exchange rate up by 5 VND on May 2

VietnamPlus - 02/05/2019 2:07:59 PM

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,033 VND/USD on the morning of May 2, up by 5 VND from the day earlier.
With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied by commercial banks for the day is 23,724 VND/USD and the floor rate is 22,342 VND/USD.
Commercial banks continued to adjust their rates up.
At 8:15, Vietcombank posted the buying rate at 23,230 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,330 VND/USD, unchanged for days.
BIDV also offered the rates at 23,230-23,330 VND/USD, unchanged from last week.
Techcombank did not change it rates, posting 23,210 VND/USD (buying) and 23,330 VND/USD (selling).-VNA
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