Reference exchange rate down 2 VND on June 7

VietnamPlus - 07/06/2019 12:53:26 PM

 The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,058 VND per USD on June 7, down 2 VND from the previous day (June 6).
With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,749 VND per USD and the floor rate at 22,366 VND/USD.
The opening hour rates at commercial banks saw slight decreases from June 6.
At 8:15am, Vietcombank listed the buying rate at 23,345 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,465 VND/USD, both down 10 VND from the same time on June 6.
BIDV cut 5 VND from both rates, listing the buying rate at 23,340 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,460 VND/USD.
Meanwhile, Techcombank maintained both rates at the same level as on June 6, at 23,335 VND/USD (buying) and 23,475 VND/USD (selling).
During the week from June 3-7, the daily reference exchange rate followed the downward trend on most days except for an increase on June 6. The rate ended the week 2 VND lower than the rate on Monday.
At the end of the week, the rates at most commercial banks also dropped compared to at the week’s beginning.-VNA
Read original article here

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