Reference exchange rate up 11 VND on August 2

VietnamPlus - 02/08/2019 4:33:44 PM

The daily reference exchange rate was set at 23,090 VND per USD on August 2, up 11 VND from the previous day (August 1).
With the current trading band of +/- 3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks during the day is 23,782 VND per USD and the floor rate at 22,379 VND/USD.
The opening hour rates at commercial banks saw slight increases.
At 8:15 am, Vietcombank listed the buying rate at 23,145 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,265 VND/USD, both up 5 VND from the same time on August 1. 
The rates at BIDV went up 10 VND to 23,150 VND/USD (buying) and 23,270 VND/USD (selling). 
Techcombank raised both rates by 5 VND, listing the buying rate at 23,125 VND/USD and the selling rate at 23,265 VND/USD. 
During the week from July 29 to August 2, the reference exchange rate was adjusted down or maintained unchanged on the first three days then turned around to rise towards the end of the week. The rate ended the week 5 VND higher than the week’s beginning. 
However, the rates listed at commercial banks on the week’s last day were mostly lower than on Monday (July 29).-VNA
Read original article here

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