Title ITC_BUY_TP 27,400_Upside 26.8__Attractive Valuation_BSC_Vietnam company update
Report Type Phân tích công ty
Source BSC
Bussiness ITC
Detail Date : 29/11/2021
Total pages : 9
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 508 Kb
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We recommend BUY ITC with target price of VND 27,400/share, upside +26.8% compared to price on 11/26/2021 by P/B method and 20% discount to price.


BSC forecasts that ITC's revenue and NPAT in 2021 will reach VND 705 billion (-24% YoY) and VND 137 billion (+1% YoY), EPS fw = VND 1,724 and P/E fw=13.0, P/B fw= 1.1.


§  ITC is trading at an attractive valuation compared to its peers.

§  Implementation of key projects on schedule and positive signals from long backlog projects.


§  The Covid-19 epidemic will affect the construction, sales and leasing of shopping centers and hotels .


§  9M2021 business results: Revenue and NPAT in the first 9 months of 2021 of ITC reached VND 350 billion (+1% YoY) and VND 62 billion (-11% YoY) respectively, mainly contributed from the apartment business at Terra Royal .

§  Projects that have been completed but have not yet recorded revenue for many years such as Long Phuoc Residential Area, Thinh Vuong Building have positive signals in 2021 when a part has been sold/transferred with high profit margin