Title PNJ_BUY_TP 127,400_Like a day without storms_BSC Company Update
Report Type Phân tích công ty
Source BSC
Bussiness PNJ
Detail Date : 12/04/2022
Total pages : 10
Language : English
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BSC maintains its recommendation to BUY PNJ with a 2022 target price of VND 127,400/share upside 20% compared to March 4, 2022. Valuation based on DCF method with WACC=10%
Forecasting business results
BSC expects revenue and PAT in 2022 to reach VND 23,847 billion (+22% YoY) and VND 1,383 billion (+34% YoY), EPS fw is VND 5,637/share. PE fw = 19x – Higher than 5-year average P/E of 17x; thanks to offsetting consumer trends and improved profit margins.
Investment Thesis
  • The low base level of 2021 with the expectation of expanding market share and scale in the period 2022-2023 thanks to (1) The jewelry retail industry is expected to recover in the shape of a "K" (2) The trend of revenge shopping In the short term, and people's incomes recover, the middle class structure increases in the long term.
  • Growth potential comes from within the business, including (1) Strategy to expand market share by increasing the number of stores in tier 2 and 3 city areas; (2) Product restructuring and cost optimization (3) Exploiting potential young customer segments through modern and strategic sales channels marketing. 
PNJ is expected to issue 15 million shares individually, at the price of 95,000 VND/share.
  • The epidemic continues to affect jewelry purchasing power.
  • Disposable income recovered lower than expected.

Updated business results for 2021
  • Revenue and PAT in 2021 will reach VND 19,613 billion (+12%YoY) and VND 1,034 billion (-3.3% YoY), respectively. PAT declined due to the impact of the pandemic and gross profit margin decreased by 1.4ppt as the contribution of gold bars increased from 22% (2020) to 26% (2021).
  • Net revenue and PAT in January 2022 reached VND 3,476 billion (+60.2%YoY) and VND 270 billion (+60.7%YoY) respectively thanks to pent-up demand from 2021, shopping during Tet and the effectiveness of campaigns marketing and promotions from the end of 2021.