Title BSC_Macro & Market May2023_Weak production and business activities_VN-Index approaches the threshold of 1,080 points_230607
Report Type Phân tích vĩ mô
Source BSC
Bussiness HOSTC
Detail Date : 07/06/2023
Total pages : 36
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 3383 Kb
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Short Content
01 Production weakened in all three economics
02 The business situation of enterprices weakened
03 Manufacturing activities weakened
04 FDI improved
05 Import-Export decreased
06 Inflation momentum stabilized
07 Negative swap between vnd and usd o/n interest rate
08 Exchange rate stabilized

09 Forecast for Jun 2023
10 P/E VN-Index continued to remain attractive in the Asian
11 10/11 tier 1 sectors increased in May 2023
12 Market capitalization of 3 stock exchanges reached VND 5.6 quadrillion
13 Foreign investors net sold in May
14 Domestic investor continued active trading in May
15 No corporate bonds issued in May 2023
16 Factors affecting market in June 2023
17 Investment strategies in June 2023