Reference exchange rate continues upward trend

VietNamPlus | 13/10/2021 1:34:37 PM

The State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate at 23,181 VND/USD on October 13, up 7 VND from the previous day.

Vietnamese currency forecast to strengthen against US dollar in 2021

Vietnam News | 11/10/2021 1:24:41 PM

Fitch Solutions have revised its 2021 average forecast for the Vietnamese đồng to VNĐ22,900 per US dollar from VNĐ23,000 per US dollar previously and VNĐ22,800 per US dollar from VNĐ23,200 per US dollar in 2022 as the central bank tolerates a stronger đồng over the short term.

Central bank proposes new law on bad debt settlement

Vietnam News | 08/10/2021 1:52:45 PM

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has proposed to issue a separate law on bad debt settlement.

PM orders accelerating public capital disbursement

VietNamPlus | 06/10/2021 5:01:51 PM

The Government Office has issued the Notice No.262/TB-VPCP dated October 5, 2021 on the Prime Minister’s conclusions at the nationwide teleconference with ministries, centrally-run agencies and localities on stepping up the disbursement of public investment capital this year.

Deposit interest rate to stay low as banks keep borrowing costs down

Vietnam News | 05/10/2021 1:49:33 PM

Commercial banks' deposit interest rate has remained low at the beginning of October, the Vietnam News Agency reported.

Official: Vietnam could achieve trade balance this year

VietNamPlus | 01/10/2021 2:08:08 PM

Vietnam could achieve trade balance, or even a trade surplus this year, deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Agency of Foreign Trade Tran Thanh Hai told a regular press conference of the ministry in Hanoi on September 30.