
Business sector


Date of incorporation 01/01/0001
Certificate of registration number 3100320136
Date of issue 19/04/2021
Capital 12,000,000,000
Tax Code 3100320136
Sectors & Industries Construction & Materials > Heavy Construction

Listing information

Date of listing 19/04/2021
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 11,800
Listing Volume 1,200,000
Total Listing Value 12,000,000,000

Management team

Nguyễn Tịnh Chairman of the Board of Directors
Võ Quang Members of the Board
Trương Xuân Phúc Members of the Board
Trần Thị Kim Tư Board of internal controllers
Nguyễn Tiến Đoàn Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Lê Anh Dũng Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Trương Xuân Phúc CEO
Trương Vĩnh Hùng Vice- president
Hoàng Thị Hồng Nhạn Chief Accountant
Đào Thị Ngọc Hà Representative Spokesman