
Hanoi Entertainment Services Corporation is a Vietnamese company operating in the field of games and entertainment trading. The company manages and operates Ho Tay Theme Park - a famous amusement park for the capital and people in the Northern region. As of Dec 2016, it is an affiliate of Hanoi Tourist Corporation.

Business sector

  • Providing entertainment games under the water and on the land;
  • Organizing evenys;
  • Providing eating service;
  • Leasing the area for organizing events;


Date of incorporation 19/05/2000
Certificate of registration number 0100844825
Date of issue 10/04/2024
Capital 92,974,500,000
Tax Code 0100844825
Sectors & Industries Travel & Leisure > Recreational Services

  • Hanoi Entertainment Services Corporation was established in 1998 with business registration certificate No. 055096. Its initial charter capital was VND 45 billion. The company officially came into operation on May 19, 2000.
  • In Mar 2000, its charter capital was adjusted to VND 69 billion.
  • In Jan 2001, its charter capital was adjusted to VND 78 billion.
  • In Aug 2001, its charter capital was adjusted to VND 92,9745 billion.
  • It became a public company in 2012.

Listing information

Date of listing 10/04/2024
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 15,000
Listing Volume 9,297,450
Total Listing Value 92,974,500,000

Management team

Nguyễn Thị Vân Chairman of the Board of Directors
Lê Xuân Nam Vice-chairman of the Board
Nguyễn Xuân Hải Members of the Board
Đoàn Anh Trung Members of the Board
Lê Thị Giang Members of the Board
Nguyễn Đức Thành Members of the Board
Nguyễn Trường Giang Members of the Board
Văn Thị Cẩm Board of internal controllers
Bùi Thanh Hùng Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Minh Trí Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Lê Thị Giang Chief of Executive Officer
Lê Thị Nhạn Deputy CEO
Hoàng Văn Toàn Deputy CEO
Nghiêm Thị Hồng Hạnh Deputy CEO
Vũ Quang Tuyên Chief Accountant
Nghiêm Thị Hồng Hạnh Representative Spokesman