
Business sector


Date of incorporation 12/01/1956
Certificate of registration number 0100107370
Date of issue 02/05/2024
Capital 12,938,780,810,000
Tax Code 0100107370
Sectors & Industries Oil & Gas > Exploration & Production

Listing information

Date of listing 02/05/2024
Stock exchange HOSTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 0
Listing Volume 1,293,878,081
Total Listing Value 12,938,780,810,000

Management team

Phạm Văn Thanh Chairman of the Board of Directors
Trần Tuấn Linh Members of the Board
Trần Ngọc Năm Members of the Board
Nguyễn Anh Dũng Members of the Board
Lưu Văn Tuyển Members of the Board
Đào Nam Hải Members of the Board
Đinh Thái Hương Members of the Board
Tsuyoshi Endo Members of the Board
Đặng Quang Tuấn Board of internal controllers
Đinh Thị Kiều Trang Phó TGĐ Kỹ thuật – Sản xuất
Mai Việt Dũng Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Hoàng Mai Ninh Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Atsushi Okuma Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Đào Nam Hải Chief of Executive Officer
Nguyễn Văn Sự Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Đình Dương Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Quang Dũng Deputy CEO
Lưu Văn Tuyển Deputy CEO
Trần Ngọc Năm Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Sỹ Cường Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Ngọc Tú Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Xuân Hùng Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Bá Tùng Chief Accountant
Nguyễn Bá Tùng Representative Spokesman