
Business sector


Date of incorporation 27/10/2005
Certificate of registration number 0101809894
Date of issue 09/01/2024
Capital 115,025,160,000
Tax Code 0101809894
Sectors & Industries Oil & Gas > Renewable Energy Equipment

Listing information

Date of listing 09/01/2024
Stock exchange HASTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 20,000
Listing Volume 11,502,516
Total Listing Value 115,025,160,000

Management team

Lê Vĩnh Sơn Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hoàng Mạnh Tân Vice-chairman of the Board
Lương Diệu Cầm Members of the Board
Nguyễn Đình Quý Members of the Board
Trần Ngọc Hùng Members of the Board
Nông Thị Thanh Vân Members of the Board
Nguyễn Thị Gấm Board of internal controllers
Lê Thị Thảo Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Trần Văn Thi Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Trần Ngọc Hùng CEO
Đinh Đức Tuấn Vice- president
Nguyễn Bá Thị Hợp Chief Accountant
Nguyễn Bá Thị Hợp Representative Spokesman