Title 20221115_BSC_Vietnam Daily Review_EN_A sharply dropped session
Report Type Báo cáo ngày
Source BSC
Detail Date : 15/11/2022
Total pages : 4
Language : English
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Market outlook  

Stock market: VN-Index dropped today when risky rumors spread in the market. VN-Index had 18/19 sectors that declined with the only gainer being Food and Beverage. Market breadth tilted to the negative side with 131 stock at their floor prices. Regarding the transactions of foreign investors, they were net buyers on both HSX and HNX. Market liquidity remained at the average level of 20 sessions. The strong net buying of foreign investors in recent sessions is the driving supportive force of VN-Index. Weak market sentiment, mortgage settlement, and technical signals all continued to weaken, showing that bearish pressure still prevails. BSC maintains a conservative approach and limited trading activities in the coming sessions.

Future contracts: Futures contracts decreased according to VN30's correction. It is recommended that investors trade cautiously during trading hours.

Covered warrants: In the trading session on November 15, 2022, coverred warrants fluctuated along with the downtrend of the underlying stocks.

• VN-Index -29.14 points, closing at 911.9. HNX-Index -7.66 points, closing at 175.78.
• Pulling the index up: VIC (+2.03), HPG (+0.46), LGC (+0.15), MSN (+0.11), VCF (+0.11).
• Pulling the index down: BID (-3.02), VPB (-1.69), SAB (-1.34), FPT (-1.29), TCB (-1.27).
• The matched value of VN-Index reached VND 7,751 billion, decreased -4.78% compared to the previous session. The total transaction value reached VND 9,797 billion.
• The trading range is 28.89 points. The market had 43 advancers, 51 reference stocks, 429 decliners.
• Foreign investors' net buying value: VND 1176.05 billion on HOSE, including STB (146.92 billion), HPG (127.23 billion), SSI (99.23 billion). Foreign investors were net buyers on HNX with the value of VND 19.54 billion.