Title 20231226_BSC_Vietnam Daily Review_EN_The market increased in doubt
Report Type Báo cáo ngày
Source BSC
Bussiness HOSTC
Detail Date : 26/12/2023
Total pages : 4
Language : English
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Market outlook  
Stock market: The market struggled around the 1,120 threshold all day today before closing at 1,122.25 points, up nearly 5 points compared to the previous session. Market breadth tilted to the positive side with 14/18 sectors increasing, of which the Tourism and Entertainment continued to lead the increase. Regarding foreign transactions, today they were net sellers on both HSX and HNX. The recovery of VN-Index without the support of liquidity showed the general fear of the market. Investors should trade carefully in the coming sessions because the index may face profit-taking pressure at the 1,120 threshold.
Futures contracts: Futures contracts all increased according to the movement of VN30. It is recommended that investors trade cautiously in the coming sessions
Covered warrants:  In the trading session on December 26, 2023, covered warrants fluctuated along with the uptrend of the underlying stocks.
• VN-Index +4.59 points, closing at 1122.25. HNX-Index +1.81 points, closing at 231.26.
• Pulling the index up: VCB (+1.39), VHM (+0.76), HPG (+0.51), HVN (+0.46), FPT (+0.38).
• Pulling the index down: BID (-0.28), CTG (-0.13), TCB (-0.13), GMD (-0.11), ACB (-0.1).
• The matched value of VN-Index reached VND 13037 billion, increased 8.37% compared to the previous session. The total transaction value reached VND 14739 billion.
• The trading range is 5.18 points. The market had 265 advancers, 102 reference stocks, 216 decliners.
• Foreign investors' net selling value: VND -314.89 billion on HOSE, including VHM(-66.07 billion), VND(-58.21 billion), SSI(-56.9 billion). Foreign investors were net sellers on HNX with the value of VND -27.55 billion.
Movement of BSC30 and BSC50:
• BSC30 +0.41%. Positive stocks: DGC (+2.29%), DCM (+2.04%), VHM (+1.70%)
• BSC50 +0.35%. Positive stocks: CTD (+5.62%), SZC (+2.50%), PHR (+2.42%)