Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2018 2019 2021 2022 2023
I. Cashflow from operating activities
1. Proceeds from sales 568,532 832,942 763,546 891,235 531,364
2. Payment to suppliers -514,441 -558,099 -633,975 -678,990 -400,665
3. Payroll -62,574 -56,024 -78,682 -94,838 -85,752
4. Interest expense 0 0 0 -14,542
5. Business income tax paid -9,293 -10,649 -12,851 -13,250 0
6. VAT Paid 0 0
7. Other receipts from operating activities 9,647 10,676 7,302 14,341 29,279
8. Other payments from oprerating activities -59,546 -51,220 -60,309 -53,186 -66,509
Net cashflow from operating activities -67,676 167,626 -14,969 65,312 -6,826
II. Cashflow from investing activities
1. Purchases of fixed assets -875 -15,416 -78,179 -1,586 -216
2. Proceeds from disposals of fixed assets 95 33 2,542 936
3. Purchases of debt instruments of other entities 0 0
4. Proceeds from sales of debt instruments of other entities 0 0
5. Investment in other entities 0 0
6. Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities 0 0 0
7. Dividends and interest received 4,909 6,042 2,075 558 686
Net cashflow from investing activities 4,129 -9,341 -73,562 -1,028 1,406
III. Cashflow from financing activities
1. Proceeds from issue of shares 0 0
2. Purchase issued shares from other entities 0 0
3. Proceeds from borrowings 0 0
4. Repayments of borrowing 0 0
5. Purchases of fixed assets and investment properties 0 0
6. Repayments of financial leases 0 0
7. Dividends paid -8,670 -17,939 -18,681 -35,182 -21,179
8. Purchase of funds 0 0
Net cashflow from financing activities -8,670 -17,939 -18,681 -35,182 -21,179
Net cashflow of the year -72,217 140,346 -107,211 29,102 -26,599
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 112,628 40,412 120,008 12,797 41,899
Effect of foreign exchange differences 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 40,412 180,758 12,797 41,899 15,300