Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024
I. Cash and precious metals 3,112,603 3,505,804 3,620,695 3,665,067 3,638,265
II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam 7,860,356 27,428,542 13,587,719 28,055,094
III. TreasuryBill 27,140,592
IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions 71,193,282 69,386,021 104,072,320 89,074,540 88,903,726
1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions 63,214,943 63,434,279 80,126,897 72,791,538 77,099,429
2. Loans to other credit istitutions 8,079,439 6,052,842 24,046,523 16,384,102 11,909,794
3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions -101,100 -101,100 -101,100 -101,100 -105,497
V. Trading securities 1,719,515 5,130,241 4,432,778 8,967,611 4,142,658
1. Trading securities 1,719,515 5,130,241 4,432,778 8,967,611 4,142,658
2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities
VI. Derivatives and other financial assets 221,603 1,301,270 143,611 729,249 170,357
VII. Loans and advances to customers 460,753,044 469,588,515 512,513,672 552,577,121 584,713,478
1. Loans and advances to customers 466,546,217 475,605,589 518,641,568 559,276,885 592,083,271
2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers -5,793,173 -6,017,074 -6,127,896 -6,699,764 -7,369,793
VIII. Investment securities 107,847,625 121,243,204 104,993,945 131,188,842 113,677,245
1. Available - for - sales securities 108,213,465 121,592,338 105,356,248 131,568,267 114,076,318
2. Held - to - maturity securities 0 0 -399,073
3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities -365,840 -349,134 -362,303 -379,425
IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments 3,141,124 3,141,124 3,128,278 3,128,278 3,367,764
1. Investment in subsidiaries
2. Investment in joint-ventures
3. Investment in associate cmpanies
4. Other long-term investment 3,142,273 3,142,273 3,129,427 3,129,427 3,368,913
5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment -1,149 -1,149 -1,149 -1,149 -1,149
X. Fixed assets 8,742,421 8,572,600 8,892,697 9,258,648 9,626,880
1. Tangible fixed assets 3,726,005 3,610,247 3,527,586 3,593,852 3,669,412
- Cost 5,436,276 5,455,081 5,492,566 5,703,862 5,923,748
- Accumulated depreciation -1,710,271 -1,844,834 -1,964,980 -2,110,010 -2,254,336
2. Leased assets
- Cost
- Accumulated depreciation
3. Intangible fixed assets 5,016,416 4,962,353 5,365,111 5,664,796 5,957,468
- Cost 6,517,015 6,617,058 7,198,784 7,695,815 8,147,969
- Accumulated depreciation -1,500,599 -1,654,705 -1,833,673 -2,031,019 -2,190,501
4. Construction in progress expense
XI. Investment properties
- Cost
- Accumulated amortization
XII. Other assets 67,878,596 71,981,345 80,543,424 73,476,386 72,011,233
1. Receivables 57,751,403 60,919,661 69,834,157 60,267,488 57,105,306
2. Interests and fee receivables 8,874,540 9,402,196 9,681,140 11,654,956 13,395,035
3. Deferred income tax assets 63,367 66,481 70,409 69,822 72,118
4. Other assets 1,873,472 2,298,415 1,650,584 1,852,926 1,763,895
- In which: Good will
5. Provision for losses on other assets -684,186 -705,408 -692,866 -368,806 -325,121
TOTAL ASSETS 732,470,169 781,278,666 849,482,012 885,653,461 908,306,700
I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam 136,300 49,571 131 938,925 410,381
II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions 153,625,650 159,262,494 153,173,002 172,892,747 154,612,416
1. Deposits form other credit institutions 49,594,400 57,582,142 50,619,678 76,496,756 60,471,427
2. Borrowings form other credit institutions 104,031,250 101,680,352 102,553,324 96,395,991 94,140,989
III. Depostis from customers 381,946,519 409,044,572 454,660,779 458,040,690 481,860,239
IV. Derivatives and other debts
V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions
VI. Certificate of deposits 54,957,735 61,825,221 84,703,300 93,776,798 111,985,283
VII. Other liabilities 19,338,995 23,967,022 25,316,735 22,131,575 20,886,724
1. Intersest and fee payables 8,118,329 8,738,690 9,418,750 8,125,980 7,013,050
2. Deferred income tax payables 13,873,674
3. Other payables 11,220,666 15,228,332 15,897,985 14,005,595
4. Other Provisions
VIII. Shareholders' equity 121,246,605 125,855,659 130,311,232 136,499,887 137,169,729
1. Capital 36,204,797 36,204,797 36,257,461 36,257,461 71,006,213
- Paid-up capital 35,172,385 35,172,385 35,225,108 35,225,108 70,450,216
- Construction capital
- Share capital surplus 476,415 476,415 476,356 476,356
- Treasury stocks
- Prefered Stocks
- Other equity resources 555,997 555,997 555,997 555,997 555,997
2. Reserves 43,386,686 43,386,280 45,725,637 45,028,418 20,845,440
3. Foreign exchange differences 1,302 -2,181 -20,133 -13,199
4. Asset revaluation differences
5. Retained earning 41,653,820 46,266,763 48,328,134 55,234,141 45,331,275
6. Other funds and expenses
IX. Benefits of minority shareholader 1,218,365 1,274,127 1,316,833 1,372,839 1,381,928
TOTAL RESOURCES 732,470,169 781,278,666 849,482,012 885,653,461 908,306,700