
Chan May Port Joint Stock Company is a Vienamese company specialiing in pot services 9cargo handling). It also engages in transportation of goods by road and other transportation supporting services. As a general seaport on a key economic area of the Central, Chan May Port offers many advantages for the development of industry, commerce and service in its region. Chan May Port is the nearest and the most convenient outlet to the East Ocean and the East-West Economic Corridor connecting the Central of Vietnam with the Lower Central of Laos and with the North-East of Thailand and Myanmar. The company is located in Thua Thien Hue Province.

Business sector

  • Port services (cargo handling);
  • Transportation of goods by road;
  • Other support services related to transportation;
  • Warehousing and storage of goods;


Date of incorporation 28/11/2007
Certificate of registration number 3300515171
Date of issue 25/01/2022
Capital 324,054,150,000
Tax Code 3300515171
Sectors & Industries Industrial Goods & Services > Marine Transportation

  • Construction of Chan May Port 1  started on Mar 25, 2001 and finished on May 19, 2003. Following Decision No.1048/QD-UB dated Apr 22, 2003 of the People's Committee in Thua Thien Hue Province, Chan May Port was put under the direct management of Chan May Project Management Board.
  • In 2006, Chan May Project Management Board was converted to  Cham May Port.
  • iN 2007, Chan May Port one-member Company Limited was established.
  • In 2014, Chan May Port one-member Company Limited was converted into a joint stock company. It officially came into operation on June 26, 20145 wth VND 308.623.000.000 in charter capital.

Listing information

Date of listing 25/01/2022
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 10,300
Listing Volume 32,405,415
Total Listing Value 324,054,150,000

Management team

Dương Bá Hòa Chairman of the Board of Directors
Huỳnh Văn Toàn Members of the Board
Trần Văn Phong Members of the Board
Hồ Hoàng Thi Members of the Board
Nguyễn Tiến Đạt Members of the Board
Phan Tuấn Anh Board of internal controllers
Nguyễn Công Định Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Đoàn Quang Vũ Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Huỳnh Văn Toàn Chief of Executive Officer
Nguyễn Thành Công Deputy CEO
Lê Chí Phai Deputy CEO
Hồ Hoàng Thi Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Văn Chương Deputy CEO
Ngô Khánh Toàn Chief Accountant
Lê Văn Tiến Representative Spokesman