
Ninh Thuan Water Supply Joint Stock Company is a Ninh Thuan-based company operating in the field of water clean supply for consumption and production. It also engages in construction of water works. It is a state company for public service with over 70 years of history. As of Nov 2014, the company’s s charter capital was VND 59.247.860.000. It stocks are listed on UpCom.

Business sector

  • Producing and distributing clean water for production and consumption;
  • Executing water supply and discharge pipes;
  • Pro viding economic and technical reports about the water supply grid;
  • Engaging in topographic survey for construction;
  • Designing, building water supply and discharge works;
  • Engaging in consultancy and supervision of construction and water supply works;
  • Trading materials for water system installation and usage;


Date of incorporation 01/01/0001
Certificate of registration number 4500289362
Date of issue 13/06/2018
Capital 94,908,410,000
Tax Code 4500289362
Sectors & Industries Utilities > Water

  • Ninh Thuan Water Supply Joint Stock Company was previously known as Phan Rang – Thap Cham Water Factory in 1933 under French domination.
  • Ninh Thuan Water Supply Company was established in 1992 under Decision No. 597/QD-NT of the provincial People’s Committee.
  • Accordin to Decision No 194/CT dated Jan 13, 1997 of Ninh Thuan People’s Committee, Ninh Thuan Water Supply Company was categorized as a state-owned public service company.
  • It was transformed into a joint stock company following Decision No. 4088/QD-UBND dated Sep 27, 2007 of Ninh Thuan People’s Committee. On Oct 01, 2008, Ninh Thuan Water Supply Joint Stock Company officially came into operation with an initial charter capital of VND 56.090.700.000.
  • In Oct 2010, the company increased its charter capital to VND 59.247.860.000.
  • On June 22, 2012, the company’s stocks were officially listed on UpCom.
  • In 2014, its charter capital was adjusted to VND 86.913.554.916 via issuing additional shares.

Listing information

Date of listing 13/06/2018
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 8,000
Listing Volume 9,490,841
Total Listing Value 94,908,410,000

Management team

Phạm Hữu Sơn Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hồ Huy Vũ Members of the Board
Phan Thành Phong Members of the Board
Nguyễn Quốc Quyền Members of the Board
Đinh Ẩn Members of the Board
Bá Bạch Thủy Tiên Board of internal controllers
Đinh Lê Ngọc Trâm Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phạm Nguyên Thắng Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Đinh Ẩn CEO
Nguyễn Quốc Quyền Vice- president
Đinh Viết Sơn Vice- president
Nguyễn Thu Hòa Chief Accountant
Nguyễn Thu Hòa Representative Spokesman