
Business sector


Date of incorporation 01/01/0001
Certificate of registration number 0102671977
Date of issue 09/04/2024
Capital 43,543,674,880,000
Tax Code 0102671977
Sectors & Industries Real Estate > Real Estate Holding & Development

Listing information

Date of listing 09/04/2024
Stock exchange HOSTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 92,100
Listing Volume 4,354,367,488
Total Listing Value 43,543,674,880,000

Management team

Phạm Thiếu Hoa Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nguyễn Thu Hằng Members of the Board
Phạm Nhật Vượng Members of the Board
Cao Thị Hà An Members of the Board
Hoang D.Quan Members of the Board
Varun Kapur Members of the Board
Nguyễn Diệu Linh Members of the Board
Mueen Uddeen Members of the Board
Nguyễn Lê Vân Quỳnh Board of internal controllers
Lê Thị Duyên Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phạm Ngọc Lan Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Thu Hằng Chief of Executive Officer
Phạm Văn Khương Deputy CEO
Đặng Minh Hải Deputy CEO
Mai Thu Thủy Deputy CEO
Douglas Farrell Deputy CEO
Lê Thị Hải Yến Director of Finance
Lê Tiến Công Chief Accountant
Nguyễn Diệu Linh Representative Spokesman