Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Total business operating revenue 194,248 140,136 139,747 60,131 115,802
2. Deductions of revenue 42 697 245 234
3. Net revenues (1)-(2) 194,206 139,439 139,502 60,131 115,568
4. Cost of goods sold 183,199 131,397 132,797 53,893 106,860
5. Gross profit (3)-(4) 11,007 8,042 6,705 6,238 8,708
6. Revenue of financial operations 7 8 481 265 42
7. Financial expense 1,118 1,426 638 832 1,117
-In which: Loan interest expenses 1,114 1,423 633 832 1,117
8. Profit or loss from joint ventures, associated companies 0
9. Cost of sales 23 0 6
10. Enterprise administration expenses 3,101 6,075 5,905 5,274 6,251
11. Net profit from business operations (5)+(6)-(7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 343 547 644 397 1,376
12. Other income 0 203 373 208 249
13. Other expenses 343 46 38 8 27
14. Other profit (12)-(13) 157 335 199 222
15. Total accounting profit before tax (11)+(14) 3,443 704 978 596 1,599
16. Costs of current corporate income tax 1,166 188 469 168 341
17. Costs of deferred corporate income tax 0
18. Costs of corporate income tax (16)+(17) 188 469 168 341
19. Profit after corporate income tax (15)-(18) 2,278 516 509 428 1,257
20. Interest after tax of shareholders who not control
21. Profit after tax of parent company shareholders (19)-(20) 2,278 516 509 428 1,257
Number of outstanding shares
Earnings per 1 share (basic EPS) 0
Earnings per 1 share (diluted EPS)