
Business sector


Date of incorporation 13/05/1993
Certificate of registration number 0301412222
Date of issue 28/06/2023
Capital 10,350,367,620,000
Tax Code 0301412222
Sectors & Industries Banks > Banks

Listing information

Date of listing 28/06/2023
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 15,000
Listing Volume 1,035,036,762
Total Listing Value 10,350,367,620,000

Management team

Đào Mạnh Kháng Chairman of the Board of Directors
Vũ Văn Tiền Vice-chairman of the Board
John Chong Eng Chuan Members of the Board
Đỗ Thị Nhung Members of the Board
Trần Bá Vinh Members of the Board
Foong Seong Yew Members of the Board
Nguyễn Danh Lương Members of the Board
Nguyễn Thị Hạnh Tâm Board of internal controllers
Nguyễn Hồng Quang Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thái Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phạm Duy Hiếu Chief of Executive Officer
Lại Tất Hà Deputy CEO
Khương Đức Tiệp Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Thị Hương Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Diệp Anh Director of Finance
Bùi Quốc Việt Chief Accountant
Nguyễn Thị Hương Representative Spokesman