
Business sector


Date of incorporation 29/02/1992
Certificate of registration number 2000101918
Date of issue 20/12/2017
Capital 155,349,000,000
Tax Code 2000101918
Sectors & Industries Utilities > Water

Listing information

Date of listing 20/12/2017
Stock exchange UPCOM
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 11,000
Listing Volume 15,534,900
Total Listing Value 155,349,000,000

Management team

Hồ Tấn Luật Chairman of the Board of Directors
Phạm Tấn Phong Members of the Board
Lê Chánh Huy Members of the Board
Phạm Phước Tài Members of the Board
Trần Thế Hưng Members of the Board
Mai Thị Hiền Board of internal controllers
Văn Hải Lý Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phan Thị Hà Thanh Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Phạm Phước Tài Chief of Executive Officer
Phạm Tấn Phong Deputy CEO
Huỳnh Thiện Trị Chief Accountant
Huỳnh Thiện Trị Representative Spokesman