Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024
A. CURRENT ASSETS AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 6,473,987 5,379,204 4,578,487 3,896,636 3,544,064
I. Cash and cash equivalents 682,745 977,905 402,238 669,711 277,379
1. Cash 243,962 225,404 151,738 127,211 223,179
2. Cash equivalents 438,783 752,501 250,500 542,500 54,200
II. Short-term financial investments 695,986 504,669 506,469 483,150 389,750
1. Trading securities 0 0 0 0 0
2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities 0 0 0 0 0
3. Investments holding until maturity 695,986 504,669 506,469 483,150 389,750
III. Short-term receivables 2,889,037 2,183,184 2,045,692 1,561,314 1,604,835
1. Short-term receivables of customers 2,605,212 2,262,946 2,108,365 1,914,221 1,988,239
2. Prepayments to suppliers 203,002 36,814 76,834 83,453 61,770
3. Short-term intercompany receivables 0 0 0 0 0
4. Receivables according to the progress of construction contracts 0 0 0 0 0
5. Receivables on short-term loans 93,200 88,100 81,100 84,100 84,100
6. Other short-term receivables 37,960 47,831 31,899 32,828 24,015
7. Provision for doubtful short-term receivables -50,339 -252,506 -252,506 -553,288 -553,290
IV. Inventories 1,859,693 1,365,147 1,256,136 840,294 956,634
1. Inventories 1,859,693 1,400,062 1,281,014 850,184 971,589
2. Provision for decline in value of inventories 0 -34,915 -24,878 -9,890 -14,955
V. Other current assets 346,525 348,300 367,952 342,167 315,466
1. Short-term prepaid expenses 16,394 17,832 19,012 16,532 9,295
2. Deductible VAT 323,005 326,931 346,422 323,205 303,811
3. Taxes and the State Receivables 7,126 3,537 2,518 2,430 2,360
4. Repurchasing and reselling transactions in government bonds 0 0 0 0 0
5. Other current assets 0 0 0 0 0
B. FIXED ASSETS AND LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 2,089,269 2,239,774 2,186,363 2,195,846 1,925,540
I. Long-term receivables 40,392 41,446 39,936 37,057 35,057
1. Long-term customer's receivables 20,441 20,341 20,341 20,341 20,341
2. Business capital in the subsidiary units 0 0 0 0 0
3. Internal long-term receivables 0 0 0 0 0
4. Receivables on long-term loans 0 0 0 0 0
5. Other long-term receivables 40,392 41,446 39,936 37,057 35,057
6. Provision for doubtful long-term receivables -20,441 -20,341 -20,341 -20,341 -20,341
II. Fixed assets 1,256,644 1,273,027 1,236,450 1,451,527 1,373,517
1. Tangible fixed assets 747,805 776,572 752,454 989,346 943,994
- Cost 1,461,455 1,515,831 1,518,294 1,791,726 1,788,998
- Accumulated depreciation -713,650 -739,259 -765,840 -802,380 -845,004
2. Fixed assets of financial leasing 369,791 357,634 345,350 323,712 291,230
- Cost 466,511 466,638 466,638 395,016 339,832
- Accumulated depreciation -96,720 -109,004 -121,287 -71,304 -48,602
3. Intangible fixed assets 139,047 138,821 138,645 138,469 138,293
- Cost 147,044 147,044 147,044 147,044 147,044
- Accumulated depreciation -7,996 -8,223 -8,399 -8,574 -8,750
III. Real Estate Investments 7,113 7,023 6,932 6,841 6,750
- Cost 9,081 9,081 9,081 9,081 9,081
- Accumulated depreciation -1,968 -2,058 -2,149 -2,240 -2,331
IV. Long-term assets in progress 95,455 240,166 244,681 50,016 52,287
1. Costs of long-term production, business in progress 0 0 0 0 0
2. Costs of construction in progress 95,455 240,166 244,681 50,016 52,287
IV. Long-term financial investments 301,114 293,785 280,590 275,553 181,153
1. Investment in subsidiaries 0 0 0 0 0
2. Investments in associated companies, joint ventures 136,160 127,960 127,960 124,535 124,685
3. Other investments in equity instruments 165,473 165,473 165,473 165,473 75,941
4. Provision for diminution in value of financial long-term investments -25,519 -24,648 -24,842 -26,455 -26,473
5. Investments holding until maturity 25,000 25,000 12,000 12,000 7,000
V. Total other long-term assets 388,551 384,328 377,775 374,852 276,776
1. Long-term prepaid expenses 374,064 370,416 363,863 360,905 262,803
2. Deferred income tax assets 14,487 13,912 13,912 13,947 13,973
3. Other long-term assets 0 0 0 0 0
VI. Goodwills 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL ASSETS 8,563,256 7,618,978 6,764,850 6,092,482 5,469,604
A. LIABILITIES 6,819,306 6,303,716 5,627,734 5,288,715 4,492,428
I. Current liabilities 6,154,904 5,685,007 5,007,213 4,715,697 4,155,464
1. Borrowings and short-term financial leased liabilities 2,940,121 2,688,162 2,133,986 2,483,368 2,429,544
2. Long-term borrowings are due to pay 0 0 0 0 0
3. Short-term payables to sellers 2,858,623 2,685,344 2,541,512 1,924,765 1,452,134
4. Advances from customers 111,350 91,592 81,298 65,856 92,212
5. Taxes and other payables to the State Budget 15,412 9,095 9,394 12,957 4,898
6. Payables to employees 0 0 0 0 0
7. Short-term accrued expenses 21,979 33,155 23,489 29,423 15,970
8. Short-term intercompany payables 0 0 0 0 0
9. Payables to the scheduled progress of construction contracts 0 0 0 0 0
10. Short-term unrealized Revenue 40,835 9,626 15,254 0 4,212
11. Other short-term payables 159,946 161,465 195,801 192,908 150,122
12. Provision for short term payables 0 0 0 0 0
13. Bonus and welfare fund 6,639 6,568 6,480 6,419 6,372
14. Price stabilization fund 0 0 0 0 0
15. Repurchasing and reselling transactions in government bonds 0 0 0 0 0
II. Long-term liabilities 664,402 618,709 620,520 573,018 336,963
1. Long-term payables to sellers 0 0 0 0 0
2. Long-term accrued expenses 0 0 0 0 0
3. Intercompany payables on business capital 0 0 0 0 0
4. Long-term intra-company payables 0 0 0 0 0
5. Other long-term payables 0 0 0 0 0
6. Borrowings and long-term financial leased liabilities 629,420 576,571 578,382 530,932 294,861
7. Convertible bonds 0 0 0 0 0
8. Deferred income tax payables 34,561 41,770 41,770 41,770 41,770
9. Provision for job loss allowance 0 0 0 0 0
10. Provision for long-term payables 0 0 0 0 0
11. Long-term unrealized revenue 421 368 368 315 332
12. Development fund of science and technology 0 0 0 0 0
B. OWNER'S EQUITY 1,743,950 1,315,262 1,137,117 803,768 977,176
I. ShareHolder's equity 1,743,950 1,315,262 1,137,117 803,768 977,176
1. Owner's investment capital 736,786 736,786 736,786 736,786 736,786
2. Share capital surplus 253,133 253,133 253,133 253,133 253,133
3. Bond conversion option 0 0 0 0 0
4. Other owner's capital 0 0 0 0 0
5. Treasury shares -718 -718 -718 -718 -718
6. Differences upon asset revaluation 0 0 0 0 0
7. Differences upon foreign exchange rate 0 0 0 0 0
8. Investment and development funds 372,822 372,822 372,822 0 0
9. Financial reserve funds 0 0 0 0 0
10. Other funds belonging to owner's equity 0 0 0 0 0
11. After tax undistributed profit 364,399 -41,859 -205,814 -162,865 14,435
- After tax undistributed profit accumulated to the end of prior period 343,602 343,602 343,602 343,602 -168,865
- Profit after tax undistributed this period 20,797 -385,461 -549,416 -506,466 183,300
12. Investment capital resource for basic construction 0 0 0 0 0
13. Assistance fund for arrangement of enterprises 0 0 0 0 0
14. interest of shareholders who not control 17,528 -4,902 -19,093 -22,569 -26,460
II. Funding resources and other funds 0 0 0 0 0
1. Funding resources 0 0 0 0 0
2. Funding resources that form fixed assets 0 0 0 0 0
3. Retrenchment provision fund 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL CAPITAL RESOURCES 8,563,256 7,618,978 6,764,850 6,092,482 5,469,604