Title BSC_Macro & Market August 2022_Positive macro – VN-Index recorded a strong uptrend_220912
Report Type Phân tích vĩ mô
Source BSC
Detail Date : 12/09/2022
Total pages : 38
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 3672 Kb
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Short Content


01 Economic growth slows down in 3 major economies 
02 Business performance of enterprises maintain stable growth, regardless of some difficulties
03 Travelling and hospitality grew sharply
04 Slow disbursement of state budget
05 Import and export growth grew strongly
06 Inflation slowed down
07 Liquidity of banking system narrowed
08 VND slightly corrected in August
09 Forecast for September 2022
10 VN-Index’s P/E ranked 7th in Asia
11 Wide increase with 9/11 tier 1 sectors increasing in August 
12 Total market capitalization of 3 stock exchanges reached 6.64 million billion VND
13 Foreign investors return to net buying 
14 Domestic investors traded actively
15 Corporate bonds in August 2022 continued to corrected downward
16 Factors affecting market in September 2022
17 Investment strategies in September 2022