Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation
Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation (PVD : HOSE)
Dầu khí : Thiết bị, dịch vụ khai thác dầu mỏ
Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation
Floor 4, Sailing Tower, No 111A Pasteur, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
+84 (8) 391-42012
+84 (8) 391-42021


Ticker PVD
Exchange HOSE
Current Price 27.95 (+0.25/+0.90%)
Intra Day Price Movement 27.65 - 28.00
Volume 2,440,600
Average price (10 days) 28.28
52-week change 22.80 - 34.90
Average volume (10 days) 3,163,520.00
Oustanding shares 555,880,006
Market Cap 15,536.85 (Bil VND)
Gross Profit Margin (%) 0.22
ROA 0.03
ROE 0.04
Financial Leverage 0.45
EPS 1,200.25
PE 23.29
PB 1.03

News About PVD

PVD: Change in personnel

13/04/2023 11:03:00

PVD: Trademark License Agreement

11/04/2023 09:58:00

Symbols in Industry

Dầu khí > Thiết bị, dịch vụ khai thác dầu mỏ

Quotes Volume Price Change
MTS 0 0.00
PEQ 103 40.00 -0.10/0.00%
POS 5,600 22.70 -0.10/0.00%
PTV 7,115 4.20
PVC 537,562 13.80 +0.20/+0.01%
PVD 2,440,600 27.95 +0.25/+0.01%
PVS 2,541,563 41.80 +0.80/+0.02%
PVY 16,891 2.50 +0.10/+0.04%