Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024
I. Cash and precious metals 790,947 692,075 618,801 660,595 629,119
II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam 8,605,392 6,600,866 5,481,891 6,134,683 1,533,292
III. TreasuryBill 0
IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions 14,891,616 16,015,552 17,565,197 18,373,502 19,266,067
1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions 10,893,116 13,017,052 15,161,247 15,525,552 16,418,117
2. Loans to other credit istitutions 3,998,500 2,998,500 2,403,950 2,847,950 2,847,950
3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions 0
V. Trading securities 411,365 1,075,358 718,353
1. Trading securities 411,365 1,075,358 718,353
2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities
VI. Derivatives and other financial assets 30,506 6,715
VII. Loans and advances to customers 45,248,338 47,180,480 47,295,053 51,159,819 52,740,536
1. Loans and advances to customers 45,915,068 47,757,567 47,863,087 51,783,052 53,392,708
2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers -666,730 -577,087 -568,034 -623,233 -652,172
VIII. Investment securities 7,727,861 7,614,597 5,650,566 3,378,950 5,044,862
1. Available - for - sales securities 1,389,275 1,387,143 846,370 796,897 1,452,925
2. Held - to - maturity securities 6,344,555 6,233,425 4,810,169 2,588,098 3,597,982
3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities -5,969 -5,971 -5,973 -6,045 -6,045
IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments
1. Investment in subsidiaries
2. Investment in joint-ventures
3. Investment in associate cmpanies
4. Other long-term investment
5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment
X. Fixed assets 1,362,685 1,369,980 1,352,540 1,352,003 1,349,373
1. Tangible fixed assets 641,780 636,251 623,584 611,096 612,851
- Cost 1,097,715 1,105,777 1,106,567 1,107,087 1,121,909
- Accumulated depreciation -455,935 -469,526 -482,983 -495,991 -509,058
2. Leased assets
- Cost
- Accumulated depreciation
3. Intangible fixed assets 720,905 733,729 728,956 740,907 736,522
- Cost 820,626 838,126 838,126 854,860 855,735
- Accumulated depreciation -99,721 -104,397 -109,170 -113,953 -119,213
4. Construction in progress expense
XI. Investment properties
- Cost
- Accumulated amortization
XII. Other assets 7,082,263 6,516,453 6,513,146 5,913,050 6,299,336
1. Receivables 4,989,467 4,293,792 4,466,272 4,053,988 4,232,358
2. Interests and fee receivables 1,673,214 1,804,299 1,641,307 1,437,931 1,605,456
3. Deferred income tax assets 1,306 856 365 120
4. Other assets 447,580 446,810 434,506 450,315 490,826
- In which: Good will
5. Provision for losses on other assets -29,304 -29,304 -29,304 -29,304 -29,304
TOTAL ASSETS 85,739,608 86,408,083 85,552,552 86,972,602 87,580,938
I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam
II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions 14,836,622 15,174,452 18,060,991 18,118,930 19,323,302
1. Deposits form other credit institutions 10,822,658 12,166,103 15,052,685 15,268,267 16,472,626
2. Borrowings form other credit institutions 4,013,964 3,008,349 3,008,306 2,850,663 2,850,676
III. Depostis from customers 62,234,339 61,144,404 56,396,917 56,897,722 56,238,953
IV. Derivatives and other debts 103,558 25,404 116,031
V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions
VI. Certificate of deposits 505,200 1,246,950 980,879 3,459,091 3,259,664
VII. Other liabilities 2,793,556 3,325,764 4,314,575 2,713,897 2,704,251
1. Intersest and fee payables 1,672,712 1,900,537 2,230,049 1,607,566 1,237,510
2. Deferred income tax payables
3. Other payables 1,120,844 1,425,227 2,084,526 1,106,331 1,466,741
4. Other Provisions
VIII. Shareholders' equity 5,369,891 5,516,513 24,720,632 5,757,558 5,938,737
1. Capital 3,618,619 3,618,619 3,618,619 3,618,619 3,618,619
- Paid-up capital 3,652,819 3,652,819 3,652,819 3,652,819 3,652,819
- Construction capital
- Share capital surplus
- Treasury stocks -34,200 -34,200 -34,200 -34,200 -34,200
- Prefered Stocks
- Other equity resources
2. Reserves 406,062 406,062 4,406,062 487,740 487,740
3. Foreign exchange differences 24,755 11,587 1,471 10,505
4. Asset revaluation differences
5. Retained earning 1,320,455 1,480,245 16,694,480 1,651,199 1,821,873
6. Other funds and expenses
IX. Benefits of minority shareholader
TOTAL RESOURCES 85,739,608 86,408,083 85,552,552 86,972,602 87,580,938