Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019
I. Cashflow from operating activities
1. Proceeds from sales 72,214 55,973 107,374 92,232 43,859
2. Payment to suppliers -34,532 -30,044 -37,252 -39,592 -29,243
3. Payroll -9,581 -8,881 -11,497 -9,884 -9,701
4. Interest expense -4,723 -4,609 -4,191 -4,034 -3,738
5. Business income tax paid -2,548 -164 0 0 -476
6. VAT Paid 0 0 0 0 0
7. Other receipts from operating activities -1,569 10,595 1,337 239 1,616
8. Other payments from oprerating activities -7,677 -9,205 -3,272 -2,449 -4,326
Net cashflow from operating activities 11,583 13,664 52,499 36,511 -2,008
II. Cashflow from investing activities
1. Purchases of fixed assets -15,493 -1 -47,293 0 -2,413
2. Proceeds from disposals of fixed assets 1,181 -500 1,200 0 0
3. Purchases of debt instruments of other entities 0 0 0 0 0
4. Proceeds from sales of debt instruments of other entities 0 0 0 0 0
5. Investment in other entities 0 0 0 0 0
6. Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities 0 0 0 0 15,000
7. Dividends and interest received 786 3 506 739 -3
Net cashflow from investing activities -13,527 -498 -45,587 739 12,584
III. Cashflow from financing activities
1. Proceeds from issue of shares 0 0 0 0 0
2. Purchase issued shares from other entities 0 0 0 0 0
3. Proceeds from borrowings 43,456 30,916 32,019 37,315 29,805
4. Repayments of borrowing -35,599 -38,137 -33,829 -40,512 -35,125
5. Purchases of fixed assets and investment properties 0 0 0 0 0
6. Repayments of financial leases -5,896 -4,951 -4,191 -4,621 -4,621
7. Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0
8. Purchase of funds 0 0 0 0 0
Net cashflow from financing activities 1,962 -12,172 -6,002 -7,818 -9,941
Net cashflow of the year 18 994 910 29,433 635
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 4,260 4,279 5,273 5,803 35,236
Effect of foreign exchange differences 1 0 0 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 4,279 5,273 6,183 35,236 35,871