Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024
I. Cash flows from operating activities
- Cash received from interst income and similar income 36,986,067 38,925,447 36,253,863 37,239,388 33,049,473
- Interest expense and similar expenses paid -16,948,550 -22,011,641 -22,476,173 -26,807,037 -22,722,815
- Cash received from services provided 1,517,399 1,673,914 1,764,252 1,616,913 1,693,013
- Difference between cash received and cash paid from operating activities (foreign currency, gold and securities) 712,492 897,427 1,796,433 4,982,760 1,631,276
- Other cash received -123,400 -58,234 -377,770 -2,805,334 -391,629
- Cash received from absolved debts which were covered by risk provisions 1,099,450 1,092,208 1,115,800 2,124,405 892,313
- Cash paid to employees and administration actitivities -6,284,545 -5,103,815 -4,873,540 -7,168,226 -7,053,660
- Income tax paid -2,382,182 -1,356,964 -571,869 -238,136 -3,438,635
Cashflow from operating activities before changes in operating assests and working capital 14,576,731 14,058,342 12,630,996 8,944,733 3,659,336
1. Changes in operating assets
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements with and loans to other credit institutions 462,090 -3,641,246 602,589 1,515,383 -329,447
- Increase/(Decrease) in trading securities and securities investment -961,221 16,255,085 9,499,708 -16,508,730 2,091,837
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and other financial assets 842,175 -74,364 270,403 0 -34,319
- Increase/(Decrease) in loans and advances to customers -74,930,780 -31,914,123 -24,385,532 -124,212,739 -16,265,349
- Increase/(Decrease) in provision to compensate for damages -1,416,487 -6,906,368 -3,498,240 -6,103,728 -3,621,809
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating assets 449,710 -522,681 -5,697,509 1,112,121 -9,470,950
2. Changes in operating liabilities
- Increase/(Decrease) in borrowings from the government and State Bank of Vietnam 246,892 -276,880 -99,534 4,734,386 21,126,346
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements and borrowings from other credit institutions -30,373,887 44,698,436 -3,709,776 -5,583,945 -14,020,757
- Increase/(Decrease) in deposits from customers -5,780,393 -23,432,170 -223,270 138,645,642 30,088,891
- Increase/(Decrease) in valuapapers issued 12,927,657 -13,729,579 5,768,170 27,468,890 -8,922,186
- Increase/Decrease in trusted funds which the bank has to incur credit risk -121,591 -275,980 -341,103 -291,222 -17,660
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and funds received from other institutions 397,808 -69,654 -328,155
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating liabilities -311,409 567,328 -1,735,053 -858,264 510,588
- Cash paid from funds of credit institution -1,164
Net cash flows from operating activities -84,390,513 -5,194,200 -10,520,343 28,791,709 4,466,366
II. Cash flows from investment activities
- Money decrease due to selling sub-company
- Purchase of fixed assets -207,725 -1,144,474 125,811 -607,584 -309,550
- Proceeds from disposal of fix assets 585 1,257 3,242 6,626 937
- Payment on disposal of fixed assets -31 -147 -252 -2,005 -1,305
- Purchase of investment properties
- Proceeds from disposal of investment properties
- Payment on disposal of investment properties
- Investment in other entities
- Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities
- Dividends and interest received 43,941 50,232 33,894 180,591 3,939
Net cash flows from investment activities -163,230 -1,093,132 162,695 -422,372 -305,979
III. Cash flows from financing activities
- Proceeds from share issuances
- Capital form issuances of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts
- Repayment of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts
- Dividends paid -44,855 -74,839
- Purchase treasury shares
- Proceeds from reissue of treasury shares
Net cash flows from financing activities -44,855 -74,839
IV. Net cash flows of the year -84,553,743 -6,287,332 -10,402,503 28,294,498 4,160,387
V. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 297,687,381 213,133,638 206,846,306 196,443,803 224,739,002
VI. Effect of foreign exchange differences
VII. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 213,133,638 206,846,306 196,443,803 224,738,302 228,899,389