Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
I. Cashflow from operating activities
1. Net profit before tax 57,484 46,905 36,827 50,646 48,740
2. Adjustments 19,984 20,408 19,375 27,588 23,381
- Depreciation and amortisation 25,166 26,110 25,813 27,124 28,473
- Provisions 126 42 -132 2,917 -372
- Net profit from investment in joint venture 0
- Write off fixed assets 0
- Unrealised foreign exchange profit(loss) 346 224 32 343 214
- Profit(Loss) from disposals of fixed assets 0
- Profit(Loss) from investing activities -6,799 -7,143 -8,958 -5,817 -8,013
- Profit from deposit 0
- Interest income 0
- Interest expense 1,145 1,176 2,620 3,021 3,079
- Payments direct from profit 0
3. Operating profit before working capital changes 77,468 67,313 56,202 78,233 72,121
- Increase/decrease in receivables -4,265 -16,098 -10,863 9,356 27,687
- Increase/decrease in inventories -912 5,260 -1,744 -13,703 16,960
- Increase/decrease in payables 23,482 958 9,568 -17,987 13,087
- Increase/decrease in pre-paid expense -4,986 2,393 -5,157 3,390 4,032
- Increase/decrease in current assets 0
- Interest paid -1,145 -1,176 -2,620 -3,021 -3,079
- Business income tax paid -8,383 -7,125 -4,612 -8,820 -1,477
- Other receipts from operating activities 23
- Other payments from oprerating activities -8,051 -8,770 -7,220 -6,460 -8,228
Net cashflow from operating activities 73,207 42,777 33,553 40,989 121,103
II. Cashflow from investing activities
1. Purchases of fixed assets -29,736 -56,317 -46,826 -24,930 -18,458
2. Proceeds from disposals of fixed assets 293 2,122 204 38 667
3. Purchases of debt instruments of other entities -46,712 -51,724 -21,274 -71,234 -144,861
4. Proceeds from sales of debt instruments of other entities 42,361 48,205 30,419 31,349 104,036
5. Payment for investment in joint venture 0
6. Purchases of short-term investment 0
7. Investment in other entities 0
8. Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities 0 1,200
9. Profit from deposit received 0
10. Dividends and interest received 6,722 7,489 9,156 5,781 7,386
11. Purchases of buying minority equity 0
Net cashflow from investing activities -27,072 -50,225 -27,121 -58,997 -51,229
III. Cashflow from financing activities
1. Proceeds from issue of shares 0
2. Purchase issued shares from other entities 0
3. Proceeds from borrowings 175,351 219,036 227,955 275,353 301,052
4. Repayments of borrowing -205,573 -168,992 -217,460 -246,921 -344,941
5. Repayments of financial leases 0
6. Other purchase from financing activities 0
7. Purchase from capitalization issue 0
8. Dividends paid -15,835 -25,385 -21,463 -8,348 -23,273
9. Minority equity in joint venture 0
10. Social welfare expenses 0
Net cashflow from financing activities -46,057 24,659 -10,968 20,083 -67,161
Net cashflow of the year 79 17,211 -4,536 2,076 2,713
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 42,419 42,478 59,686 55,143 57,112
Effect of foreign exchange differences -20 -3 -8 -107 -161
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 42,478 59,686 55,143 57,112 59,664