Change in certificate of business of registration/license of establishment and operation/license of operation

| 22/04/2022 4:48:57 PM

Change in certificate of business of registration/license of establishment and operation/license of operation

Change of the authorized person on information disclosure

| 20/04/2022 11:01:50 AM

Change of the authorized person on information disclosure

Document of the State Securities Commission about the registration dossier for private placement

| 13/04/2022 11:09:00 AM

Document of the State Securities Commission about the registration dossier for private placement

Document of the State Securities Commission about the registration dossier for private placement

| 13/04/2022 11:07:00 AM

Document of the State Securities Commission about the registration dossier for private placement

BSC- Annual report 2021

| 08/04/2022 5:32:00 PM

Annual report 2021

The invitation letter and the official documents link of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company in 2022

| 08/04/2022 4:30:00 PM

The invitation letter and the official documents link of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company in 2022