Resolution of the BODs on adjusting the time to hold the Annual General meeting of shareholders in 2022

| 04/04/2022 1:55:00 PM

Resolution of the BODs on adjusting the time to hold the Annual General meeting of shareholders in 2022

The Delisting of Covered Warrant CVPB2110

| 29/03/2022 2:12:00 PM

The Delisting of Covered Warrant CVPB2110

To correct the settlement date of covered warrant CTCB2111

| 29/03/2022 1:58:00 PM

To correct the settlement date of covered warrant CTCB2111

The delisting of covered warrant CTCB2111

| 28/03/2022 2:28:00 PM

The delisting of covered warrant CTCB2111

Resolution of the BODs on approval of the plan to implement the offering shares under private placement

| 15/03/2022 4:56:40 PM

Resolution of the BODs on approval of the plan to implement the offering shares under private placement

BSC announces the maximum foreign ownership ratio

| 07/03/2022 4:29:29 PM

BSC announces the maximum foreign ownership ratio