Info Disclosure: BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (BSC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hana Securities Company Limited (HSC)

| 04/08/2022 3:42:38 PM

Info Disclosure: BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (BSC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hana Securities Company Limited (HSC)

Change in certificate of business of registration/license of establishment and operation/license of operation 24th time

| 20/06/2022 3:55:59 PM

Change in certificate of business of registration/license of establishment and operation/license of operation 24th time

The adjustment on exercise price and conversion ratio of the covered warrant MWG/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01

| 07/06/2022 2:47:07 PM

The adjustment on exercise price and conversion ratio of the covered warrant MWG/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01

05 Certificates of offerring Covered Warrants: MSN/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01, MWG/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01,NVL/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01, PNJ/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01,STB/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01

| 06/06/2022 5:34:07 PM

05 Certificates of offerring Covered Warrants: MSN/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01, MWG/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01,NVL/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01, PNJ/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01,STB/BSC/C/7M/EU/Cash/2022-01

Decision of Vietnam Exchange on accepting BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company as trading member.

| 31/05/2022 5:36:00 PM

Decision of Vietnam Exchange on accepting BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company as trading member.

The Meeting minute, resolution and attached documents of the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 of BIDV Joint Stock Company

| 29/04/2022 5:24:00 PM

The Meeting minute, resolution and attached documents of the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 of BIDV Joint Stock Company